Don't celebrate yet!
2020 still has time
to make this year worse
Don't celebrate yet!
2020 still has time
to make this year worse
In the World Series
of Love, there's no foul balls. Well,
maybe a couple
James versus Shena
in the World Series of Love.
She's using my bat!
James versus Shena
in the World Series of Love.
We'll need more innings!
James versus Shena
in the World Series of Love.
So far, no strikeouts!
James versus Shena
in the World Series of Love.
It's tied, three apiece.
Bonnie's holiday
party was so lame, just the
Christmas tree got lit
For Bill, the line "Don
we now our gay apparel"
is a daily thing
Santa's out on bail,
he was caught cruising, looking
for some ho-ho-ho's
The lightning is all
around us, but the thunder
is just in our hearts
The thirty watt bulb
has been working so long, he's
starting to burn out
Arguing over
the meaning of the word "dressed",
Jill screams, "This means wore!"
Asked how long he would
paraglide, Taran replied,
"I'll soar 'til I'm sore!"
Each January,
there's a moment of hope, then
resolutions fail
In Florida, it's
raining iguanas. Is that
worse than cats and dogs?
Cole was under some
serious pressure last term,
now he's a diamond
When you know how to
code, you can ask for the world,
or you can take it
Her sunshine sometimes
slips behind clouds, and that is
when she looks for mine
Julie's eyes are the
blue of a January
sky, and twice as cold
Her affection is
still there, but colder, like the
January sun
If we cover the
ocean in plastic, it will
be like Grandma's couch
Driving in the snow
is like telling the truth, I
only trust myself
When she said, "P.M.
snow", I heard "and", not "M", so
I didn't go out
We forced the Indians
off their land, now they survive
off of our vices
While he's a captain
at work, in bed she prefers
him as a private
In the fridge, Julie
keeps a large cucumber for
special occasions
While he's a captain
at work, in bed, he is her
first orificer
It's always during
the rainstorm I remember
to clean the gutters
Julie earned all her
money the old-fashioned way,
she divorced rich men
Julie earned all her
cash the old-fashioned way, she
married into it
Jill's friends joke she ends
relationships so she can
eat pity ice cream
I don't exercise,
because I hear sweat is just
your fat cells crying
Waylon Jennings hates
missing his flight, though there was
one he's okay with
Sting sings he will call
her a thousand times a day.
She must be local.
Be thankful for all
the things you have, don't resent
all the things you lack
It may not be the
easiest year to give thanks,
but I'm still thankful
Each generation,
due to plane crashes, has a
day the music died
The Big Bopper is
the only one hit wonder
who has an excuse
With Buddy Holly,
we do know exactly the
day that she left him
Minnie felt funny,
then she realized she had
been slipped a Mickey
She's had so many
meetings, her new job title
must be "attendee"
Julie wears a mask,
not because of Covid, she
ran out of makeup
Large sign reads, "Don't rock
the vending machine". Someone
wrote, "What about Jazz?"
The poet, living
on the streets, is a bad sign
for future poets
The Lion's Club is
meeting tonight, which is bad
news for the Romans
He ate the whole bag
of cookies, all six servings,
calories be damned
How fragile must an
ego be to deny the
truth and embrace lies?
I think we're ready
for 2020 hindsight
to start right away
Friday the 13th
in 2020 must mean
the apocalypse
He mumbles, grumbles,
talks to himself, as the one
who listened is gone
Joan's Christmas sweater
lights up, twinkling red, blue and
green, while Joan's still dark
Johnny put on his
thinking cap, but I swear that
damn thing is broken
She moved us to a
different room, in hopes it would
improve our thinking
It shouldn't have been
this close, our humanity
shouldn't be this gray
Donald won't ever
gain perspective. Hell, he can't
even spell the word
If your election
stays red for more than four years,
consult a ballot
She put her child on
the baby changing station,
and now he's different
Baby, it is cold
outside, but that's an excuse,
because I'm a letch
If you don't vote, you
can't complain, and we know that
you like to complain
She wore a pure white
outfit, hoping folks might think
she's still virginal
They want me to work
weekends, which just might help me
to find religion
I can make most bad
decisions without any
help from all of you
They want me to work
weekends, but I just can't say,
"Thank God, it's Tuesday!"
They want me to work
weekends, not knowing I don't
work during the week
She'd like her job if
the desk chains were long enough
to reach the bathroom
Beer is not just for
breakfast anymore, and it
sure beats orange juice
His job felt more like
a house at the end of a
one-way dead end street
Politicians need
to know the company they
keep is who they are
I think Trump will make
America great again
when he leaves office
When you defend a
bully, you must know, someday
they will turn on you
The headaches and blurred
vision are not your eyes, you've
been watching Fox News
Fox News is to news
what the sewer pipe is to
all of the plumbing
Food poisoning is
an extremely drastic weight
loss plan, but it works
I bought a bag of
Itsy Bitsy Pretzel Bites,
but it was just crumbs
The president lies,
and lies about the lies, then
wants us to believe
The president lies
so much, when he tells the truth,
we still don't trust him
Once she stopped drinking,
she found her friends and her job
weren't near as much fun
After the show, the
musician asked for all his
drinks in to-go cups
Her hair is hot pink,
like cotton candy, but she's
nowhere near as sweet
Jolly Green Giant
suing Santa over his
trademarked, "Ho Ho Ho"
I didn't say the
word "normal" normally, but
more abnormally
If disgruntled means
you are angry, peeved, pissed off,
what doe gruntled mean?
Billy feels like a
little kid again, but the
police frown on that
The rabbit's searching
high and low, just looking for
some bunny to love
While unwrapping the
Kindle, she wondered how it
plays with her Barbie
Bill knows if his life
was a t.v. show, he would
be cancelled by now
Women congregate,
while men strategically space
themselves far apart
She says she doesn't
need hearing aids, though "what?" is
her favorite word
Darlene stopped dating
cheese, finding it was much too
gouda to be true
Smurfs aren't known for their
sexual proclivities,
as most have blue balls
Billy doesn't like
doughnuts, because he finds he
can't eat the hole thing
When smoke gets in your
eyes, it's cigarettes, fires,
or it's glaucoma
Imagine that! In
last night's debate, Trump was a
liar and bully
I've had a head cold
for a week. I shouldn't have
bought the welcome mat
I've had a head cold
for a week. I'd kick it out,
but it's paying rent
The grizzly donned a
party hat, just to wish you
a Happy Bearthday
I've found the best way
to avoid car accidents
is to kayak more
The young men practice
their karate, while hoping
they never use it
We take attendance
because the government won't
let us take money
Don't take career or
life advice from anyone
without a career
Rex is extinct because they
weren't very well armed
There is no greater
happiness in the world than
a dog with a stick
Somewhere nearby, a
woodpecker knocks and knocks and
knocks. Will you answer??
The morning peace and
solitude are lost as soon
as the children rise
The cedar accepts
the morning sun rising up
and taking a bough
Anyone who bugs
Bill before his coffee is
a mourning person
Coffee allows you
to be awake at a time
you'd much rather sleep
While everyone else
stood in line for ice cream, she
just wanted coffee
Jill says she's sitting
pretty, but from my view, it
seems she's just sitting
During his lunch break,
Josh finally finished his book,
finding every Waldo
Jill would go outside
much more, it it wasn't for
bugs, dirt and Billy
Trump wants to purchase
Greenland, because it's one thing
he hasn't screwed up
The puppy was so
happy to see her, he pee'd
his exuberance
Dark chocolate mochas
are coffee drinks for all those
who don't like coffee
Mama cries, "Jesus",
Papa yells, "Damn", and I say
something inbetween
If Trump's a builder,
why's he trying to tear down
our democracy?
Creamy lobster, shrimp
and mozzarella baked on
a Cali Roll- YUM!
Sometimes, it is not
the number of books sold, but
the poems written
Legislation is
useless, we'll solve mass shootings
with hopes and prayers
Based on all the mass
shootings, we're going to need
more hopes and prayers
Everyone says Bill
has a big heart, which means he
will need surgery
Her dress is such a
vibrant blue, the sky above
is a bit jealous
His unpleasantness
brings dark gray clouds to even
the bluest of skies
His unpleasantness
is so toxic, he must share
it with everyone
His unpleasantness
has driven away all those
who could have saved him
His unpleasantness
came oozing out of my phone,
darkening my day
Her striped pants were so
billowy, I expected
to see clowns come out
Ambulance sirens
scream, red lights racing on by,
my day's not so bad
Why do the people
who can't carry a tune want
to sing the loudest?
Sometimes, the moon slides
in front of my sun, bringing
darkness for a while
I'm older than I've
ever been, but hopefully,
I will get older
Even Flat Stanley
believes our planet to be
round, and he's 2-D
She's out of rehab,
clean, sober, no alcohol,
but it still calls her
Life's like a pitcher,
throwing change-ups and curveballs,
so just keep swinging
In the zen garden,
rough girl breaks the silence, "We'll
meet you at the bar!"
The DJ, being
funny, played Gordon Lightfoot's
"Sundown" right at dawn
Jill's not a friendly
person. The mat at her front
door says, "Go Away!"
They are at the point
in their marriage, when just to
tolerate is love
He's not sure he's heard
of Tinnitus, but it does
have a ring to it
Sometimes, when it rains,
I pretend it's clear snow, though
making snowballs sucks
Trump's Covid plan is
like a flag not fully raised:
it too is half mast
Sometimes, when it rains,
I pretend I'm Fred Astaire,
except I can't sing
The new sand castle
contest was lame, now all sand
Bill's not just rich, he's
more a South American
ruthless gangster rich
Bill looks carefully
at his weed, since he heard there's
a snake in the grass
You can do what you
want, there's no "Keep off the grass"
signs in Washington
Dracula doesn't
fly right now, because he just
heard the stakes are high