If you don't want me
to flip off bad drivers, you
should leave me at home
If you don't want me
to flip off bad drivers, you
should leave me at home
There should be levels
of stupid where you can't have
kids, guns or a car
The whole idea
of narcolepsy ends up
leaving me tired
Wes is so old, when
he moves, it sounds like rocking
chairs on a wood porch
Wes is so old, he
remembers the Whig party
and Federalists
I believe we need
to talk about Alzheimer's
before we forget
I've eaten so much
sushi lately, I'm starting
to grow a blowhole
Hospital waiting
rooms: no matter how nice, no
one wants to be there
For a poet, the
worst part of face masks, is no
place to rest your pen
I offered up my
body to science, but they
politely declined
When the cows get their
wings, and learn to fly and soar,
the steaks will be high
They painted their house
seafoam with turquoise trim, a
true blue color crime
She teased me, said I'm
afraid of the broom. It's true.
I saw Fantasia
The best part of the
rose is the thorns, letting you
know you are alive
Who was that masked
man? My guess is, he's likely
not Republican
Superman never
got caught, because he always
had an "S" cape
Yoda likes breakfast
the same as his sentences,
hammy and scrambled
The sheep cheered after
being sheared, from nose to rear,
or pretty darn near
Unimpressed by my
work on the farm, the sheep say,
"Baa!", the horses, "Nay!"
Despite the name, Bill's
Escalade did not improve
his sex life at all
There's a car service
that will take you to strip clubs,
it is called Buber
Finally off work,
I can now drink to forget
what I did at work
When it's too hot to
sleep, you try to find a way
to dream about snow
No contact, staying
home, keeping apart, was in
Jessica's wheelhouse
It's Shena's birthday,
and she puts up with me, so
she gets this haiku
It's Shena's birthday,
yet she has figured out how
to not age a day
When she unravels
knitting projects, I feel glad
I'm not made of yarn
There are some poets
that make me want to tell folks
I write short stories
My stoner friend was
greatly disappointed when
he saw my pot roast
In this life, we can't
all be swans, we must accept
most of us are ducks