New Year's Eve: The last
chance to do all those things you'll
soon promise to quit
All is quiet on
New Year's Day, except Bono
keeps singing that song
New Year's Eve: The last
chance to do all those things you'll
soon promise to quit
All is quiet on
New Year's Day, except Bono
keeps singing that song
I was in the car
while she delivered a gift;
my presence stayed here
When the snake found out
it wasn't poisonous, said,
"Well, fangs for nothing!"
Spending Christmas Day
in a hotel bar, looking
for Christmas spirit
Spending Christmas Eve
in a haunted hotel, so
there's more ghosts tonight
Mike Tyson says he
really likes Christmas. but he
prefers Boxing Day
It's Christmas Eve, so
Santa is coming tonight!
Was I good enough?
It's Christmas Day, or
as all my nephews call it,
"Gimme Gimme Day!"
It's Christmas Eve eve,
the elves loading the presents
and my coal stocking
It's three days before
Christmas. I might be able
to be good that long
It seems wrong that when
you measure a long snake, you
measure it in feet
When the sock found out
the hole in him had been fixed,
he said, "I'll be darned!"
Seeing friends mainly
online makes hugs and kisses
a greater treasure
Writing haiku is
harder than it looks, you must
make every word count
You tried your hand at
haiku, but found out you need
a few more fingers
Depression and gray
skies affect us all; do your
best to bring sunshine
Most guitarists wish
that Santana Claus is the
one bringing presents
Do not think you can
judge a man until you've walked
a while in his blues
Someone has drawn the
curtains to the window of
my darkening heart
When the world ends, there
will just be cockroaches, and
perhaps Keith Richards
If a beer uses
sarsaparilla, I then
must root for this beer
The "Help the Homeless"
website is hard to find since
it has no address
Seeing your face lit
by moonlight, maybe I can
be beautiful too
Seeing your face lit
by moonlight, I'm so glad to
be on this planet
I've been through the name
on a horse with no desert.
Yes, I'm dyslexic.
I have been through the
desert, and my horse had a
name. It was Agua.
Stock markets reward
the patient, and punish those
wanting the quick buck
With what Elon has
done to Twitter, he must be
related to Trump
Bill drew pentagrams,
as drawing hexagrams was
more than he could count
Elon bought Twitter
for forty-four billion, and
then musked it all up
Anyone who knows
how to pour a good pint, knows
how to get ahead
I tried to write a
song about suicide, but
it ended too soon
Another weekend
almost here, and yet it's still
so, so far away
Coyote sleeping
underneath a cedar tree,
while inside I howl
In Washington, a
rainforest is defined as
any place with trees
Shadows are only
deeper, darker, colder when
the sun's shining bright
Stuffing tastes great, as
long as you don't think about
where it has been stuffed
Thanksgiving is the
one time it's okay to tell
someone to "get stuffed!"
The Meyer lemon
graduated college with
a C average
It's early morning,
no power in the house, I
think I'll stay in bed
There is a poem
touting all my achievements!
Oh, it's a haiku.
Underwear: Protects
my pants from my butt, and my
privates from my pants
Each birthday after
eighty are celebrations
of pure stubbornness
I'm going to raise
so much hell that the Devil
will get a nosebleed
He's twenty years my
junior and claims he's feeling
old. He has no clue!
He's twenty years my
junior, and claims he's so old.
What does that make me?
Luckily, when I
went to school, the internet
didn't exist yet
Visiting a high
school on PSAT day;
yeah, no test for me!
All of Gallagher's
friends knew the comedian
would be a big smash
In this classroom, the
clock's stopped at two twenty-three,
a student's nightmare
Visitor badge, gray
hair, beard, not sure I'll blend in
with the high school crowd
Back at high school, this
time to teach, I am still not
one of the cool kids
Usually, the
horses don't drink wine, but if
so, it's Chardonnay
Bill doesn't need to
use the bathroom, since he is
drinking a Pinot
Bill doesn't have a
drinking problem, but he has
reached a new merlot
The anesthetist
wasn't sure he could help, but
he'd give it a shot
The dobermans wait
in the Ford while she shops, no
car alarm needed
In the Middle East
each year, this has become a
Syrial event
The soprano found
out that her hernia was
Sunday Night Football:
No matter how hard Carrie
sings, my wife don't care
Houston Texans: The
team even folks from Texas
can forget about
Atlanta Falcons:
Dead last in the NFC
and tastes like chicken
Eagles: Soaring once more, but
can they truly fly?
New Orleans Saints: Still
wishing that they could have a
strong Brees at their backs
The Carolina
Panthers: Never seem to get
out of the jungle
Colts: want to run like mustangs,
but play like ponies
Baltimore Ravens:
Are always playing like they
just got their wings clipped
Buffalo Bills: Now
giving New Yorkers a chance
to believe again
Kansas City Chiefs:
Has all fans believing there's
no place like Mahomes
The Los Angeles
Chargers: Have a quarterback
now, is it enough?
Miami Dolphins:
Maybe they would play better
back in the water
Washington Redskins:
Oh wait! Now the Commanders.
Oh wait! They still suck.
The Minnesota
Vikings: Still think back fondly
of Fran Tarkington
The Cincinnati
Bengals: Every league needs a
team to lose; they're it
Chicago Bears: Used
to be great, one of the best,
but now, not so much
New England: Called the
Patriots, but they should be
called the Big Cheaters
The Jacksonville
Jaguars: Sometimes they win a
game, but mostly don't
Green Bay Packers: Put
all their hopes on Aaron, but
still lose the big games
Dallas Cowboys: If
they're America's team, I
fear for our country
Detroit Lions: Can
still pull a defeat from the
jaws of victory
New York Giants: They
are still wondering when they
can get Eli back
New York Jets: Even
when they win games, they are still
booed by New Yorkers
Los Angeles Rams:
The Rodney Dangerfields of
Football; No respect
Tampa Bay Bucs: Sold
their souls to the Devil, but
won a championship
Cleveland Browns: Are no
longer the worst team, and yet
the dog pound still howls
Tennessee Titans:
Changed their name, but still play like
the Houston Oilers
Pittsburgh Steelers: The
dynasty is crumbling,
but they are still thugs
Denver Broncos: So
desperate for quarterbacks,
but they need a coach
The Arizona
Cardinals: Great quarterback,
still mediocre
Las Vegas Raiders:
Act menacing, but then play
like defanged tigers
The San Francisco
Forty-Niners: Their only
goal? Beat the Seahawks
Jon Gruden: You know
you're a mess when you're fired by
the Oakland Raiders
Seattle Seahawks:
They built it up, just to let
all the pieces go
She looks like our friend,
if she had gained weight, and was
very unhappy
Beer festival on
the farm. The cow wants to know
if there are milk stouts.
Her preventative
insurance coverage costs
more than being sick
Her chiropractor
is not sure he can help, but
he'll give it a crack
I'm not old, I'm a
teenager with four decades
of experience
Wildfires burning,
so much destruction, but the
sunsets are pretty
Having cavities
means that your dentist's work is
much more fulfilling
In a room full of
guitars, banjos, mandolins,
I'm feeling strung out
In a room full of
morning, I try to pretend
that it's still nighttime
Workers find every
shift at the camel milking
plant is on hump day
Billy spilled his beer
on an outlet, and now he
won't drive his EV
Billy spilled his beer
on an outlet, and he got
a charge out of it
Billy spilled his beer
on an outlet, and now he
hates AC/DC
Billy spilled his beer
on an outlet in the past,
and now he's current
This stupid haiku
woke me up to write it down.
Not sure it's worth it.
Vodka: If water
and lightning had a baby.
Yeah for potatoes!
Wine: What you bring to
your book club meetings when you
haven't read the book
Gin: For all those times
when sucking on a tree branch
isn't an option
Tequila: Just one
night of too many shots leads
to never again
Everclear: Helps you
experience Alzheimer's
for a night or two
Whiskey: Helps make your
bad decisions seem just right,
until the morning
Beer: Amplifies your
voice, ego and biases
one pint at a time
Rum: Helping to hide
all your inadequacies
one shot at a time
St. Andrew was sad
when his title moved, and he
became Andrew St.
It's a big mess, but
I don't see it, as I have
Disorder Blindness
The worst thing about
Harry Potter now happens
to be the author
The dictionary
worked out at the gym to get
more definition
Picky about his
cereal, Bill prefers to
buy a bran new box
No matter where you
sit down around a campfire,
the smoke will follow
Bigfoot tries to smile,
but everyone knows that he
has resting Squatch face
If someone says, "You
can't eat away your pain", they
should try edibles
With planning all the
details, Bill finds vacations
to be too much work
There is no more an
efficient alarm clock than
a happy toddler
The narcoleptic
drank away his worries by
hitting the Snooze Bar
If you smoke too much
marijuana in your tent,
the stakes will be high
Wes had to get rid
of the wasps in his home, he
couldn't let them bee
Billy wants to join
the anti-letter group, but
they're so dismissive
Bill is so unique
with writing letters, he puts
his own stamp on them
Brendan wants to go
to the Haiku Convention,
but it's short notice
Later in marriage,
you see her undies only
when you fold laundry
She laughs out loud when
he uses the Golem voice.
It's just so precious!
The refracted light
put a rainbow in my eye,
my head the treasure
The lottery's for
folks bad at math, but hope their
funds will multiply
The lottery is
for folks bad at math, but are
still fond of dreaming
Reading history
about poets, how their lives
went from bad to verse
Her lips were so plump,
it looked like she'd kissed the butts
of multiple bees
Watching Buffy the
Vampire Slayer reruns,
I know what's at stake
All the grasshoppers
have left my yard in protest;
all the grass is brown
Stung by multiple
bees, I carry epi-pens,
and don't go near hives
The surgeon hummed "First
Cut is the Deepest" during
Bill's vasectomy
Based on their jingle,
Bill's nickname is "Mounds" after
his vasectomy
Not sure if he'd feel
it, post-vasectomy, Bill
felt the deferens
While most surgeries
are fair game, vasectomies
are below the belt
The heat relenting,
a breeze rustles the trees, and
I can breathe again
A mouth opened up
near my ribs, the doctor said
there'd be side effects
The shadow of a
bird overhead means more to
a mouse than a man
It's so hot outside,
the outdoor thermometer
display just says, "BROIL"
Her anger hiding
behind her smile, it should be
a concealed weapon
She hugs a bag of
potato chips from her home
state, so far away
With friends and family
so far away, now her heart
is no longer here
She's so far away
from home, she's forgotten how
to start going back
She's so far away
from home, she can't say that she's
truly living here
Trojan Horse is not
the code name used to order
extra-large condoms
They said their big dog
was a Great Dane, but I thought
it was just okay
I have been smoking
cannabis to help me with
writing my high-ku
Bears have been eating
cannabis to assist with
their highbernation
Concerned, before bed,
a pill and CBD oil,
migraine averted
At fifteen point one
percent, her beer, while smooth, will
make tomorrow rough
On the edge of a
migraine, pain in front of me,
I breathe and step back
Ambulance sirens
grow louder, remind you, your
day could be much worse
It's late July, but
Summer has finally come,
while Fall waits nearby
Finally off work,
I'm now at the dentist. I'm
not sure which is worse.
Our one day in the
rainforest, it rained. Now, I
need a sunforest.
I only stayed one
night at the Hostel, as the
staff was so angry
I'm not cruel, but I
will squeeze grapes until they let
out a little wine
The hummingbird buzz,
louder than a bee, makes me
happy it can't sing
Boobytrap backwards
is partyboob; I would
prefer the latter
We're going to the
coast to hang out with friends, I
hope there are no waves
Scrolling is the new
paper shuffle, either way,
an awkward silence
It feels mighty strange
that the group, The Proud Boys,
don't agree with Pride
Your dog peed on my
tent, so I am going to
pee on your trailer
You see a baby,
I see eighteen years of cash
drain and servitude
Raining in July,
the summer sun coming in
a more liquid form
If we start calling
women's bodies a firearm,
will they have more rights?
Rabbits can't get their
pompadours to look just right
as they have wild hares
Amongst lubricants,
crude oil always tends to tell
the dirtiest jokes
Young girls don't have to
wear masks in school, but they're forced
to have a baby
The Fourth of July:
Celebrate freedom, except
all pregnant women
The Bovine Gospel
Choir sings the "Hallemoojah
Chorus" on Sundays
The Supreme Court has
overturned Roe V. Wade, now
all rights are in doubt
I don't understand
the allure of Vegas, the
lights don't attract me
Locked inside the car,
the air getting more stagnant,
I feel like a dog
He reads poetry
while she drives down the highway,
each page holds a curve
Summer's finally
here: blue sky, high temps, it may
last a week or two
We saw Sting perform
in Vegas. There were no crimes,
no Police in sight
I did not gamble
in Vegas, except for a
couple food choices
Summer's finally
here, almost July, Winter
will be coming soon
Las Vegas is for
gamblers, drinkers and liars,
just like in D.C.
During her doctor
visit, I wait in the car,
watching for movement
Let me tell you all
about my trip to Vegas!
Oh wait...that damn rule!
They serve food, drinks at
the chapel, so folks can eat,
drink and get married
Juneteenth is the one
holiday we know the least;
oh wait, Arbor Day
The last hour of
a Friday work shift always
ticks off the slowest
The extroverts chat,
new friends sharing secrets, while
I keep mine locked tight
Dictionary words
are alphabetical, so
you can define them
Quasimodo may
not have been psychic, but he
always had a hunch
She got Covid for
her birthday, which sucks, but is
still better than socks
Her Covid birthday,
we decided against her
blowing out candles
She got Covid for
her birthday; truly the gift
that keeps on giving
The cruise is almost
over; back to land, back to
work, back to our lives
She got Covid for
her birthday; less a gift, more
an experience
She can light up rooms
with her smile, as long as she
also has matches
This vacation was
supposed to be relaxing,
so why am I stressed?
It only took me
three days to anger her, a
brand new record
First morning in a
new city. I'm glad I'm here,
and wish I was home.
Almost two hours
to get over the border.
Canada's that good!
Skittles says, "Taste the
Rainbow," which means Randy must
be very happy
On vacation, an
alarm clock should be banned by
law, or at least shunned
My poetry is
moving at the speed of life,
or maybe faster
When my eyes are hot,
I'm either sick, or I'm too
close to the fire
He writes to remove
the thorns from his heart, but the
wounds may never heal
Scars burn cold, hidden
like snow in the shadows, the
remains of dark times
I'm going to take
a social media break,
I'll be back in June!
She keeps cucumbers
in the fridge, for those cold nights
when she's home alone
Saturday. No plans.
Nowhere to be. The bed's warm.
We'll stay here awhile.
No alarm, cat purrs,
rests, in the crook of my arm,
I'll get up later
My teachers say I'm
hyperactive, but just my
I'd love to be more
like the birds, except for the
whole hollow bones thing
Birthdays come around
once a year like Santa, but
with far less presents
I've survived one more
year on this crazy planet,
and my gift is socks?!?
I'm not saying I'm
boring, but my life's work, work,
work, work, work, sleep, sleep.
I'm such a square, that
LSD, for me, means, "Yes,
I'd Love Some Dessert!"
Willie Nelson's voice
is now a strange mixture of
warble and gravel
If you live on a
road with seven bridges, you
should sing harmony
If you want to hold
somebody else, then you must
let somebody go
I'm not saying she
knows voodoo, but she does go
through a lot of pins
You could have it all
one day, or most of it spread
out over your life
Everybody wants to
be her person, the one she
can always count on
I've got the apple
tree blues in an orchard full
of peaches and pears
Something has got a
hold of my heart. Oh, it's my
Based on my life so
far, I think my guardian
angel is crazy
Free is the best thing
in the world to be, unless
you want to be four
Prostitutes moving
towards the sunset would be
known as westward ho's
When a person says
they could be anywhere, they
mean just not right here
You can get real high
without marijuana, but
weed is easier
She sings with such an
ache in her voice, all her songs
sound bruised and beaten
I run down every
dream, every hope, and hold on
for all that I'm worth
If you have never
been hurt, just understand, it
will be coming soon
There will be more days,
both good and bad, but keep your
mind on this moment
It's another gray
afternoon, rain threatening,
so I stay inside
I look down upon
his simple rhymes, but he's sold
way more books than me
You may not like their
stingers or bad moods, but bees
know how to beehive
Friends are not always
around, but they are always
there when you need them
Early morning, the
day full of promises that
haven't been broken
Early morning, sun
golden in the sky, the day
full of promises
With this last launch of
her dreams, the capsule rises,
but never breaks free
Hummingbirds don't hum.
They sing poorly, scratchy, shrill.
Maybe they should hum.
Before the concert,
we stare at the empty stage,
ready for music
Bill says he's king of
sarcasm, or maybe that
is his one attempt
She's had surgery
on her knee, so now she can
out hike all of us
I find torn clothing
is less fashionable, and
more trashionable
Bad golfers are like
divining rods, both know how
to find the water
Is today the last
day I'll ever write haiku?
Maybe tomorrow
A friend said, "While I
don't like poetry, I like
what you do." "Thanks!...wait?!?"
doesn't allow you access
to the carpool lanes
We now know Will Smith
can't take a joke, but Chris Rock
sure can take a hit
Will Smith may have slapped
Chris Rock, but it's Will's career
that will take the hit
If Will Smith had slapped
The Rock, instead of Chris Rock,
he'd be in traction
In my life, I don't
need a scarecrow, I need a
Without trying too
hard, a scarecrow can be out
standing in it's field
Another migraine,
another reason to be
jealous of scarecrows
In your life, you'll face
plenty of Putins; strive to
be a Zelensky
They named their baby
"Lincoln". Maybe he'll grow up
to be a logger
They named their baby
"Lincoln". Let's hope he doesn't
like the theater
Conditioners: For
those times when your hair needs to
get back into shape
I vowed I'd always
be close by, until now. Damn
restraining order!
She seems to have left
the lights on for someone, too
bad it wasn't me
I love a stranger
for the possibilities,
and they don't know me
Gretel stayed out of
the oven because her hair
doesn't like the heat
It's Friday in Dawn's
mind, yet it's only Monday.
Who's gonna tell her?
The poem doesn't
end, it continues to float
on a sea of white
Another haiku
about rain, each syllable
now drenching this page
Today's another
gray day, the rain falling hard,
the sun, the warmth, gone
At the base of the
mountain, a small stone wishes
it could return home
The old preacher liked
going to court, as he knew
how to testify
The pilot only
orders the vanilla shakes
since he likes the plain
The detective was
at the church, asking folks, "Can
I get a witness?"
The drunk at the zoo
is upset as there's no booze
yet so many bars
Walking through the zoo,
this isn't what he'd meant by
"check out the wildlife"
Al ate apples with
Anthony Anderson and
Arthur Ashe again
I didn't think Jill
was a witch until I met
her flying monkeys
love using coupons, as they
get to save something
When my demons get
out, it can be difficult
to get them back in
Life is a river,
and I've lost my paddle and
my boat is leaking
The ghost school has a
reputation for having
spirited children
Easily, the best
part of mankind's existence
has to be women
J.K. Rowling will
not come here, because it's a
Trans-Atlantic flight
J.K. Rowling is
quickly becoming the one
who shall not be named
Small hawk circling
over Panda Express, not
finding any food
Putin's as good as
his word which, based on his past,
isn't very good
D.J.'s fall in love
as they know just how to fill
each other's time slots
She fell in love with
a D.J., as he knew how
to use his twelve inch
She fell in love with
a D.J., as he focused
on her Top 40
A gaggle gathered
to giggle and gaze agog
at Gary Glitter
Putin started a
war in Ukraine. He puts the
dic in dictator
Hamilton isn't
much of a drinker, as he's
only got one shot
Watch out for Aaron
Burr, as he's got a duel
It's getting colder
though the sun is up. Oh, your
mother must be here
The Queen of Spades went
to the clubs seeking diamonds,
while breaking some hearts
Bobcat hunts ducks on
golf course, gets the birdie, but
wanted an eagle
The main reason I
give blood, I must admit, is
just for the cookies
It's President's Day:
To celebrate, go out and
spend a few dead ones
My dentist visits
make sure the nightmares about
crumbling teeth aren't true
Sometimes, a day off
means sleeping in, reading a
book, just unplugging
If you believe a
lie long enough, it slowly
will become your truth
If physical and
mental scars are beautiful,
I must be stunning
Kissing a frog gets
you a prince, while licking one,
you can watch prints move
Some say kissing a
frog could yield a prince, but what
would licking get you?
The older we get,
the most common words we use
are now "What?" and "Huh?"
Calvin Broadus is
at the big game, so we'll call
it the Snooper Bowl
Calvin Broadus was
picked up by a loader, called
the Snooper Scooper
only knocks twice, and Bill has
missed the first seven
If laziness were
an Olympic sport, Bill could
win gold, but wouldn't
If these children are
the future, I only give
us twenty years, tops.
This migraine's so bad,
if she wants sex, I'll say yes,
but enjoy it less
She's into mushrooms,
all varieties, plus some
make her feel real good
The forecast around
Susan is stormy, as she
always brings the rain
Shooting 45's
with his 45, skeet-style,
all her songs destroyed
When consequences
are accepted for actions
made, we'll all grow up
Some folk's favorite
part of winter is Hallmark
holiday movies
I used to write at
a fever pitch, but now I
seemed to have cooled down
Every day I write
in seventeen syllables
for just a few folks
The rain is over,
but the river's still rising,
looking for it's chance
Putting on a new
turtleneck is like being
born a second time
With this wind, we must
be in Georgia, because out
there, it's Augusta
If you acknowledge
the light, then you must also
accept the darkness
After my haircut,
there's now more hair on the floor
than left on my head
I'm getting my hair
cut today because I can't
afford a facelift
The Elvis Presley
Candle: You will find that it
smells like burnin' love
The optometrist's
thoughts on my vision future
were kind of fuzzy
When a T-Rex asks
you to come closer for a
hug, don't believe it
The optometrist's
jokes about my eyes couldn't
have been cornea
She gives me kisses,
says she loves me, but her eyes
tell me something else
I believe in your
rights, will fight for them, until
they infringe on mine
After being caught
in two rainstorms, I'm ready
for a big sunstorm
The poet and the
farmer both disagree on
what's a meadow for
Today is Martin
Luther King Day- Celebrate
like we are all one
The poet prefers
his daughter wear skirts more ode
length, and less haiku
The poet prefers
when his daughter joins the band,
she plays the cymbals
Reading a good book
all about helium, I
couldn't put it down
Reading a book on
the history of vacuums,
I got sucked right in
She went inside to
get pizza, while I'm outside
wanting to get sauced
The wide receiver
who can secure a Seahawks
win? Tyler Lock-it
The Seahawks player
used to confuse the other
team? Decoy Metcalf
Antonio Brown
will provide all the drama
your team can't handle
Sidney Poitier
showed us humanity, no
matter the color
Using a word like
in haiku is hard
Impatience can lead
to injury, which leads to
higher insurance
Impatience can lead
to injury, which can lead
to more impatience
Around here, there's so
many Dollar Tree stores, they're
a dime a dozen
Bono was wrong. All
is not quiet on New Year's
Day. It's quite noisy
New Year's hangover
means your resolution is
already broken