The rain is over,
but the river's still rising,
looking for it's chance
The rain is over,
but the river's still rising,
looking for it's chance
Putting on a new
turtleneck is like being
born a second time
With this wind, we must
be in Georgia, because out
there, it's Augusta
If you acknowledge
the light, then you must also
accept the darkness
After my haircut,
there's now more hair on the floor
than left on my head
I'm getting my hair
cut today because I can't
afford a facelift
The Elvis Presley
Candle: You will find that it
smells like burnin' love
The optometrist's
thoughts on my vision future
were kind of fuzzy
When a T-Rex asks
you to come closer for a
hug, don't believe it
The optometrist's
jokes about my eyes couldn't
have been cornea
She gives me kisses,
says she loves me, but her eyes
tell me something else
I believe in your
rights, will fight for them, until
they infringe on mine
After being caught
in two rainstorms, I'm ready
for a big sunstorm
The poet and the
farmer both disagree on
what's a meadow for
Today is Martin
Luther King Day- Celebrate
like we are all one
The poet prefers
his daughter wear skirts more ode
length, and less haiku
The poet prefers
when his daughter joins the band,
she plays the cymbals
Reading a good book
all about helium, I
couldn't put it down
Reading a book on
the history of vacuums,
I got sucked right in
She went inside to
get pizza, while I'm outside
wanting to get sauced
The wide receiver
who can secure a Seahawks
win? Tyler Lock-it
The Seahawks player
used to confuse the other
team? Decoy Metcalf
Antonio Brown
will provide all the drama
your team can't handle
Sidney Poitier
showed us humanity, no
matter the color
Using a word like
in haiku is hard
Impatience can lead
to injury, which leads to
higher insurance
Impatience can lead
to injury, which can lead
to more impatience
Around here, there's so
many Dollar Tree stores, they're
a dime a dozen
Bono was wrong. All
is not quiet on New Year's
Day. It's quite noisy
New Year's hangover
means your resolution is
already broken