My resolution
is I've got to stop making
resolutions... Damn!
My resolution
is I've got to stop making
resolutions... Damn!
in charge of health. I guess we'll
just have to bear it
in charge of health. When's he's done,
we'll need a vaccine
in charge of health. I knew he
would worm his way in
Why do I feel so
beat up after Christmas? Oh
yeah, right, Boxing Day
You should wait to ask
for gift receipts until the
day after Christmas
She dislikes my gift.
I misheard when she asked for
new boots for Christmas
Based on presents, I'm
starting to think Santa likes
my wife more than me
This mirror must be
broken, because, when I peer
in, I see my Dad
Rickey Henderson
has stolen his last base, and
is now heading home
All the King's horses
and all the King's men know that
Dumpty's a bad egg
I saw storm clouds in
her baby blues, and I knew
thunder was nearby
For Samuel L.
Jackson, curse words are merely
adjectives and nouns
Ironically, it
seems, most anti-vaxxers tend
to be little pricks
One of the Haitian
bullets must have hit Spirit
Air's profit margin
I remember we
once had blue skies, but now the
clouds reign over us
Working remotely,
my face to face meetings are
now more screen to screen
If the stars align,
the orange glow in the sky
will become true light
Even during the
darkest of days, the sun is
still up there, shining
Christmas is coming.
New Year's is coming. I am
nowhere near ready.
Prostate exam: A
good sign is the box of large
gloves is unopened
Stuck in the snow globe
of life, her only true joy
is when it's shaken
Lounging around on
Sunday, watching football, while
Monday's closing in
The constant hum of
this refrigerator, I
find to be not cool
It's ironic that
Mona Lisa rarely smiled,
except when painted
If you want to know
how to make your guitar sound
good, you should stay tuned
She burned sandalwood
to remove aromas, but
also removed me
In the bedroom, she
took my breath away last night.
God damn allergies!
She realized her
parents were closer to the
end than she'd prefer
He found his parents
were not getting better, the
years taking their toll
Disappointed, Bill
had brought some tortilla chips
to the Salsa class
When the vampire goes
to the bar, he will order
a bloody Mary
It's about to rain,
the sky dark, the air heavy,
I won't be dry long
I've heard the mummy's
curse is real, but it's muffled
by the bandages
Today's not about
how much turkey you can eat,
there's also the sides
His recent haikus
had turned darker, a shiver
with every chuckle
The cannibal was
disappointed baby powder
wasn't what he thought
Leaves drop from the trees
as temperatures lower.
That's why it's called Fall.
She gives up her love
without conditions, but she
never gets too close
I find my deepest
sleep occurs just ten minutes
before the alarm
Mark Hamill is on
Blue Sky now, finally breaking
free from the dark side
We fly home today,
our four weeks in Australia
complete, as are we
Introverts lose sleep
over interacting with
all the extroverts
Farting in bed is
chemical warfare against
a person you love
A German dog named
after a Scottish dish, and
lives in Australia
For people who love
to drive, the road is measured
by the smile markers
We visited the
Australia Zoo; the ghost of
Steve was everywhere
All the flat-earthers
do not end up taking the
globe sphereiously
Since we are not chefs,
we had yogurt and muesli
for dinner. Five stars.
Kangaroos seem to
be skittish around people.
I feel the same way.
We've just taught our kids
lying stealing, bullying,
cheating are okay
Kamala Harris
should be our president. Trump
will never be mine
Why does our country
seem to fear the thought of a
woman president?
My team just lost the
political Super Bowl.
I'll need a minute
My team just lost the
political Super Bowl,
so no Disneyland
It's the day after
Election Day. The swing states
have swung to the wrong
It's Election Day,
so if you don't vote today,
you'll have lost your voice
Ballot boxes are
set on fire. The crimes may
be done by our sons.
Ballot boxes are
set on fire, for when a
burning cross won't do
Ballot boxes are
set on fire. If they can't
beat us, they'll match us.
Ballot boxes are
set on fire. We should all
be enflamed by this.
Ballot boxes are
set on fire, so it's our
freedom now in flames
Ballot boxes are
set on fire. These must be
hot button issues
Ballot boxes are
set on fire, but that won't
stop us from voting
Trump has bragged about
grabbing women's pussies. Let's
kick him in the polls
The worst decision
our business ever made will
be memories soon
My boss messaged me
on vacation, but the news
was sunshine itself
Harvest super moon
rose up large and impressive,
even the sun smiled
I finally got to
try the Chinese Moon Cake, and
I prefer the pie
I walked across the
Sydney Harbor Bridge, and not
the least bit jumpy
I've taken photos
around the Sydney Opera
house, but not inside
Orlando checked out
Kim's booty. Katy replied,
"Well, yeah, I did too!"
Based on stormtrooper's
aim, I'd hate to clean bathrooms
inside the Death Star
We still don't know how
we're getting to the airport.
We should get started.
While Garfield just ate
too much lasagna, I heard
that the dog O.D.'ed
At night, Medusa
would relax, reading the plays
of William Snakespeare
Icarus may have
mainly ate Greek food, but I've
heard he liked hot wings
The tall ladder must
be in AA, as it is
a twelve step program
Vacation's on the
horizon, never seeming
to get much closer
Taking a break for
over a month. You'll miss me,
but I will be back
That last haiku is
not a joke. I'm going to
take a little break
Watching baseball is
like being an addict, just
waiting for a hit
She asked me to get
pet licenses. I didn't
know the cats could drive.
Waiting to get a
haircut, to go from hippie
to respectable
Neil says we're made of
ordinary matter, but
he's never met Jill
Our cat wakes us up,
begs for food and attention,
then she'll sleep all day
Our cat wakes us up,
begs for food and attention,
our feline alarm.
Our cat wakes us up,
begs for food and attention.
There's no snooze button.
Late night call that Dad's
in the hospital, again.
Well, there goes sleeping.
The masturbators
on the New York baseball team
are the true Yankees
Bright red bikini,
sunbathing, not fishing, yet
catching every eye
The windchimes ping, ping,
ping, allowing the breeze to
be a musician
I will celebrate
Labor Day by not doing
any work at all
Dale sings through his nose
so much, he could finish the
song with his mouth closed
Pitching a tent in
the rain is like saying, "I
want all my stuff wet"
The human brain is
about sixty percent fat,
so you're a fathead
The rain has returned,
four days in a row now. How
is this still Summer?
Jill doesn't seem to
have nightmares, as she gives them
to all her exes.
In the beginning,
she brought the heat of July.
Now, it's December.
With the raindrops on
the leaves, our small tree twinkles
like daytime starlight
Thunder and lightning
bringing this dull night some real
At the airport where
some folks leave, and some arrive.
A gateway to fun.
Puns are wordplay, while
Sarcasm is, "Sure, you're smart
enough to get this."
Upright in the rain
and the elements, Joel's boss
says he's, "Out standing."
If you don't know how
to fix something, the best tool
is a sledgehammer
Watching the dogs play
and run, though we have let them
out to poo and pee
Unable to move,
I wonder if I consumed
far too much root beer
Corgis: Smiles on their
muzzle, butts like flags from the
friendliest nation
Peaceful solitude,
luckily my cough noticed
it should be calm too
You want the pliers
to try to fix something that
you don't understand
The clouds are gone, the
sun returns, reminding us
Summer's still reigning
As the dogs howl, the
moon rises, a shadow prowls,
while our cat just sleeps
Having a broken
foot and COVID means the foot
hurts a little less
His skeleton has
been pulverized completely,
no bones about it
In this long, dark night
of his soul, Nick looks for light,
but no moon, no stars
Since I don't really
like Florida, I will let
you keep Yourami
In my personal
Olympics for today, I
did not qualify
If you win a gold
medal, you're head and shoulders
above all the rest
Angels may be on
my shoulder, but the devil's
the one in my ear
She gives me apple
slices, hoping the doctor
will not visit soon
It's time to be done
with Trump's chaos, we need some
peace and Kamala
If you say Akbar
Gbajabiamila's name,
you should practice first
If you say Akbar
Gbajabiamila's name,
you'll need a quick tongue
The sun low, first day
our our vacation nearly
done, three more to go
Three poultry workers
seem to have caught bird flu, as
they felt a bit fowl
It's so hot today
when I have ice cream, even
the cone is melting
It's so hot today
I'm considering ice cube
It's so hot today
I at least have a reason
to strip down naked
It's so hot today
the devil visited our
town just to warm up
It's so hot today
popsicles have become a
vital new food group
It's so hot today
every room in my house has
become a sauna
It's so hot today
all of the lakes and oceans
have become hot tubs
It's so hot today
when I stepped onto the street
my shoes caught fire
It's so hot today
we must save all of the ice
cream and chocolate
It's so hot today
over a hundred, even
the shade is sweating
It's so hot today
even Republicans now
admit the globe's warm
It's so hot today
hummingbirds flying around
are sweating nectar
It's so hot today
Guns n Roses admit their
flowers have wilted
It's so hot today
if you fried an egg on the
sidewalk, it would burn
It's so hot today
outside is the oven and
we are the muffins
If we're supposed to
be spending time with family,
why are we alone?
Broken foot and a
plastic boot leads to a less
than perfect summer
If I never get
a tattoo, will that somehow
make me less awesome?
The non-passenger
steam train shudders down the tracks
because it's a freight
When Bill and his friends
get together, they become
just one big dumb guy
Home alone, just like
Macaulay Culkin, except
I'm in my fifties
Home alone, just like
Kevin, except I've got gray
hair and credit cards
With all the swelling
and bruising on my broken
foot, it looks like Shrek's
For July 4th, some
people don't need fireworks,
they have family
Mark Hamill will not
vote for Trump, as he'd rather
lose his hand again
George Takei will not
vote for Trump, as he'd prefer
to shout out, "Oh Bye!"
Garfield will not vote
for Trump, as he doesn't like
to be grabbed that way
Scott Baio will vote
for Trump because, even now,
he's still a Chachi
Rob Schneider will vote
for Donald as he is friends
with the Trumpmeister
Kathy Griffin will
not vote for Trump, though she does
prefer him a head
Zsa Zsa Gabor will
not vote for Trump because she's
dead, but still voting
The New York Times will
not vote for Donald because
"Trump is Real Bad News"
The pen hovering
over the paper, all while
the blank space taunts you
Giuliani will
vote for Trump, because at some
point he lost his spine
They say, "A fool and
his money are soon parted."
Fireworks are proof
Waiting for others
to do their job so you can
do yours feels like work
If we're not meant to
have late night snacks, why is there
a light in the fridge?
The dinosaurs won't
ever win a war because
they're extinct, silly!
The dinosaurs won't
ever win a war because
they have little arms
Community is
the folks who accept and love
you just as you are
Today, we seem to
be living between storms, the
rains pause as we pass
She told a hat joke,
but I have to admit, it
went over my head
To prepare for his
first child, Bill's not sleeping, and
staining all his clothes
My father says, "At
some point, getting older is
more dare than option."
They say, "No one is
above the law", but if you're
rich enough, you'll float
Trump uses Pecker
to deny putting pecker
inside a porn star
The Grim Reaper finds
out their life will be short, and
they let out a scythe
The zebra has been
captured, behind bars, the stripes
feel appropriate
The chief surgeon finds
out her life will be short, and
it cuts like a knife
The ode writer finds
out her life will be short and
she goes on and on
The brain surgeon finds
out their life will be short, and
it's unthinkable
The hand surgeon finds
out her life will be short, and
gives life the finger
The book writer finds
out his life will be short, and
he can't find the words
Haiku poet finds
out life indeed can be short.
Irony ensues
The actor finds out
that his life will be short and
the drama begins
Hall and Oates are now
fighting over their songs. So
much for harmony
When you have someone
who believes in you that much,
you can't help but try
Her biggest gift is
not how much she has done, but
how much she believes
To see my mentor
once more, her smile reminding
me I'm almost there
Memorial Day:
To celebrate all those who
gave their all for us
I've always thought a
cat party would feature more
of a smooth Jazz vibe
I don't know who he
is, or why he haunts me, but
I hate his cigars
Jerry says, "Be an
expert at one thing, not just
fine with lots of things"
Sun's out, sky is blue
but there's a chill in the air.
False advertising!
Gardens and poems
can both be home to beauty
or full of compost
With this child, our chance
of any extra minutes
of sleep is now gone
Employee for three
decades, wages barely more
than a fast food cook
I've got your picture,
and she's got you, but I've found
the picture's better
You should be yourself,
it happens to be the part
you were born to play
Anybody who thought
O.J. would give a deathbed
confession was wrong
In Willy Wonka,
Violet didn't die, but she
was depressed a while
When McCartney feels
lonely, he knows he can still
wish upon a Starr
Yep, it's my birthday,
Yep, I'm older. It sure beats
the alternative
The clouds clear after
the eclipse, once the sun stops
putting on a show
The chiropractor
adjusts people's backs, but he
makes them pay up front
To all the Mothers,
and even all the Muthas,
today is your day!
I'm waiting for her
outside the Chiropractor.
It's an adjustment.
Morgan threw a chair
off a roof because someone
told him to sit down
Any decision
made after five drinks will be
a bad decision
Karaoke is
great when drunk, embarrassing
once you are sober
Unlike the eclipse,
stay away from Julie's path
of totality
The only person
you should critique is yourself.
Even then, be kind.
Just like the eclipse,
you shouldn't look directly
at Courtney either
Scottish Proverb: If
a man says he'll buy this round,
get the money first
Scottish Proverb: If
a man brags he just got laid,
check his kilt for wool
Scottish Proverb: If
you want to stand tall and proud,
you need a long kilt
Scottish Proverb: To
make haggis, you need to have
the stomach for it
A Scottish Proverb:
If you don't have the guts, you
can't make the haggis
Bakery Church: Yes, we pass
the plate here as well
It's not the size of
the church that counts, it is the
congregation's heart
Bakery Church: Where it's our
bread dough that's risen
Bakery Church: Julia
Child wrote our bible
Bakery Church: The only
cross is on our buns
Bakery Church: We are the
true Holy Rollers!
Bakery Church: We pray to
a higher flour
Republicans tend
to take everything, leaving
Liberals what's left
Bakery Church: We know how
to put buns in pews
Republicans may
not always be smart, but they
are in their right mind
When traveling, I
tend to find one of the best
parts is coming home
I didn't go to
the new Louisville Slugger
Factory: no balls
Louisville Slugger
Factory messed up by not
installing swing doors
This morning's walk in
Louisville was better than
a cup of coffee
Up before the sun,
staring at the horizon
my morning commute
Another day means
another distillery.
Hey, that's the spirit!
Up before the sun,
staring at the horizon,
and wondering why
Up before the sun,
staring at the horizon,
waiting for this day
Looking out over
Louisville, I hope that it's
looking out for me
She said she was all
ears, but used her mouth to say
it, so that's not right
She said she was all
ears, but based on her outfit,
there are other parts
When Jason Biggs made
love to that baked good, would he
be pie-sexual?
Heading to Detroit
to spend time with a friend. No,
it's not Eminem.
Memorizing all
those numbers after the three,
I'm Pi-curious
I'd rather vote for
the old guy than vote for a
criminal liar
Yes, experience
matters for President, but
these guys are just old
Getting older, I
find my body's less temple,
more reclamation
I must admit my
whisper can be louder than
most people's shouting
"It's a marvelous
night for a migraine" is not
by Van Morrison
I'll be manning the
non-electrified fort since
they cut our power
You've been banned to sing
the music in your heart, as
it's operatic
Taking a break to
recharge the batteries, I'll
be back in one week
It's okay for me
to sing at events, as I'm
not a fat lady
Instead of walking
in my shoes, she wants to wear
my skin. thanks!
I'm no longer in
mint condition, the box was
opened long ago
I am no longer
in mint condition, but she
loves me just the same
I'm no longer in
mint condition, well played with,
but my value's up
Sometimes, collections
of discordant noise can be
music. Sometimes not.
Jesus loves you, but
only because he has to.
He thinks you're a dick!
After six boxes,
I claim these Girl Scout cookies
are so NOT Thin Mints
Those who have walked with
you on life's long road may not
reach the end with you
Last week, I bought five
boxes of Girl Scout cookies.
I need Samoa!
In your driveway, you
never want the medical
examiner van
With Trump found guilty
of libel for millions, he's
found out talk's not cheap
The poem waits so
patiently now for it's next
chance to shine, to glow
A flock of black birds
singing their loud songs, raising
a crowcawphony
All poets have a
small bit of ink and graphite
running through their veins
Now at seventy-
eight years old, I find it hard
to call him Neil Young
It feels like it's so
easy to rile folks up now,
which makes me angry
When you realize
your scrotum and face are twins,
you are truly old
The older we get,
the less natural wood left.
We shouldn't waste it!
Sure, my wrinkles and
gray hair show my true age, but
inside I'm still twelve
How is it my friends
keep getting older, while I
haven't aged a day?
Who is Marty Grass,
and why do they celebrate
him in New Orleans?
There was a Super
Bowl ad promoting Jesus.
Holy commercial!
I'm just saying Bill's
had more big encounters with
the Police than Sting
The rain creates a
million windshield diamonds, while
my pocket's empty
She sings about the
rumors so truthfully, you
can tell they are lies
When the frog flashes
you a peace sign, you should stop
smoking lily pads
I have never seen
Bigfoot, but I smelled him once
and that's close enough
At this moment, you
are the youngest that you will
ever be again
Some watch the Super
Bowl for the commercials, while
I watch for halftime
Watching the Super
Bowl alone, no one can hear
me yell at the refs
She asks me if she
looks tired. There's no way I'm
falling for that one
The restaurant is
packed. I'm eating by myself.
I pretend I'm not.
In a restaurant
by myself, which means I can
order the dessert
In a restaurant
by myself, which means there is
no one to judge me
I wrote her five love
poems! Unfortunately,
they were limericks.
Sometimes a life comes
into yours to remind you
to keep on living
When you wear your heart
on your sleeve, somebody is
going to steal it
Knowing when to let
go sometimes means holding on
tight, screaming, "Not yet!"
Pot smokers believe
the Super Bowl shouldn't have
artificial grass
If I'm lucky, the
words will stop flowing a week
after I am gone
I've now been inside
Bezos' Balls. They're quite large,
lush and very warm
How good the weather
can all depend some days on
which window I look
Coworkers downsized,
while I'm still here, the same size,
though I feel smaller
Microsoft Teams is
down, so we'll communicate
by phone, like cavemen
Instead of getting
guardian angels, I need
Getting older may
not be all great, but it beats
the alternative
The lights flickering,
reminding me I'm just one
stiff breeze from darkness
This song reminds me
you're no longer here, you've left
us. I love this song!
I have a scar in
my eye, so my macula
must be part pirate
If I hear one more
Mister Roger's joke, I'll hit
you with my loafers
In picking out my
new pair of glasses, I find
out I have been framed
My fingers and toes
are numb. It's either cold, or
please call the doctor
The sexy model
in the cute glasses makes me
rethink my contacts
The bottom row of
the vision chart spelled out, "U
C A N T C"
At the eye doctor,
they said I did well, and I
was a good pupil
The duck doctor lost
his practice quickly as folks
said he was a quack
A divine cup of
coffee can make you feel like
you just might survive
Casino is the
Indian word meaning, "Leave
all your money here."
If someone says, "If
that's what you want to do," don't
do it. It's a trap!!
That strange noise late at
night is just one of our cats.
What else would it be?
We are flexible.
We have always done it this
way and you should too!
Sometimes deciding
what to wear to face the day
just means pajamas
Writing haiku in
bed, trying not to get ink
on the comforter
There are mornings when
rolling over or facing
the day takes some thought
I had a dream too,
but I was naked in school,
so his is better
Spider web covered
in morning frost; she has caught
a feast of dewdrops
A slow start to the
morning means less daylight, but
far more open eyes
To escape the drugs
that were killing him, they gave
him drugs that killed him
I don't know where to
begin, how to begin, so
I'll start at the end
Sometimes, words will play
"You Can't Catch Me", and they are
usually right
She must be hungry
because she's chewing her words
before they escape
Sinuses clogged, head
full of wet cloth, I wonder
when will I be well
The network had rules
for PeeWee's skin color: Paul's
Pallor Policy
She wouldn't describe
"rizz", saying if we didn't
know, then we had none
Recognizing my
insecurities somehow
makes me more secure
I shouldn't blame you
for breaking my heart, I did
put it in your hands
Resolutions are
made January 1st, and
broken weeks later
New Year's Eve fireworks
in a heavy fog, end up
as just sound effects
All is quiet on
New Year's Day; well, all except
for Bono singing