Scott Baio will vote
for Trump because, even now,
he's still a Chachi
Rob Schneider will vote
for Donald as he is friends
with the Trumpmeister
Scott Baio will vote
for Trump because, even now,
he's still a Chachi
Rob Schneider will vote
for Donald as he is friends
with the Trumpmeister
Kathy Griffin will
not vote for Trump, though she does
prefer him a head
Zsa Zsa Gabor will
not vote for Trump because she's
dead, but still voting
The New York Times will
not vote for Donald because
"Trump is Real Bad News"
The pen hovering
over the paper, all while
the blank space taunts you
Giuliani will
vote for Trump, because at some
point he lost his spine
They say, "A fool and
his money are soon parted."
Fireworks are proof
Waiting for others
to do their job so you can
do yours feels like work
If we're not meant to
have late night snacks, why is there
a light in the fridge?
The dinosaurs won't
ever win a war because
they're extinct, silly!
The dinosaurs won't
ever win a war because
they have little arms
Community is
the folks who accept and love
you just as you are
Today, we seem to
be living between storms, the
rains pause as we pass
She told a hat joke,
but I have to admit, it
went over my head
To prepare for his
first child, Bill's not sleeping, and
staining all his clothes
My father says, "At
some point, getting older is
more dare than option."
They say, "No one is
above the law", but if you're
rich enough, you'll float
Trump uses Pecker
to deny putting pecker
inside a porn star
The Grim Reaper finds
out their life will be short, and
they let out a scythe
The zebra has been
captured, behind bars, the stripes
feel appropriate
The chief surgeon finds
out her life will be short, and
it cuts like a knife
The ode writer finds
out her life will be short and
she goes on and on
The brain surgeon finds
out their life will be short, and
it's unthinkable
The hand surgeon finds
out her life will be short, and
gives life the finger
The book writer finds
out his life will be short, and
he can't find the words
Haiku poet finds
out life indeed can be short.
Irony ensues
The actor finds out
that his life will be short and
the drama begins