Ballot boxes are
set on fire, so it's our
freedom now in flames
Ballot boxes are
set on fire, so it's our
freedom now in flames
Ballot boxes are
set on fire. These must be
hot button issues
Ballot boxes are
set on fire, but that won't
stop us from voting
Trump has bragged about
grabbing women's pussies. Let's
kick him in the polls
The worst decision
our business ever made will
be memories soon
My boss messaged me
on vacation, but the news
was sunshine itself
Harvest super moon
rose up large and impressive,
even the sun smiled
I finally got to
try the Chinese Moon Cake, and
I prefer the pie
I walked across the
Sydney Harbor Bridge, and not
the least bit jumpy
I've taken photos
around the Sydney Opera
house, but not inside
Orlando checked out
Kim's booty. Katy replied,
"Well, yeah, I did too!"
Based on stormtrooper's
aim, I'd hate to clean bathrooms
inside the Death Star
We still don't know how
we're getting to the airport.
We should get started.
While Garfield just ate
too much lasagna, I heard
that the dog O.D.'ed
At night, Medusa
would relax, reading the plays
of William Snakespeare
Icarus may have
mainly ate Greek food, but I've
heard he liked hot wings
The tall ladder must
be in AA, as it is
a twelve step program
Vacation's on the
horizon, never seeming
to get much closer